SailAhead was honored yesterday, October 19th when the American Legion Post 694 in Northport invited co-founders Kilian and Sean Duclay to give a talk on SailAhead. We took that opportunity to talk about our mission, what we do, and Our Mates.
The Northport American Legion participates in SailAhead and the Centerport Yacht Club's annual veteran sailing event in honor of US Army Ranger SPC Ryan James Day.

The Legion surprised us by offering us a plaque in recognition of our great efforts to accomplish our mission to:
Use sailing as a therapeutic platform to heal to foster healing in our military community.
Spread post traumatic stress and veteran suicide awareness.
Honor and remember Our Mates.
An additional surprise came in the form of something more edible, a cake!

Kilian and Sean stayed after the meeting to eat dinner and enjoy the company of the Legionnaires
We thank the American Legion Northport Post, and all of our partners for helping us to change and save lives. We are only as strong as the community and its' will to change veteran's lives.