The UWVC Advisory Council Meeting
The UWVC is responsible for organizing the New York City Veterans Day Parade each year on November 11th. On September 27th SailAhead, as a UWVC health and wellness partner of the United War Veterans Council, attended a luncheon that marks the beginning of the intense organizational period preceding the parade.
The United War Veterans Council is hard at work putting the parade together. Here are some interesting facts regarding the parade that we have so far:
300+ Marching Units
25,000 Marchers
30 Floats
150+ Vehicles

Jenny and Sean were happy to head into Manhattan to spend an afternoon with our allies and supporters, who like us and with us do great life-changing work that matters in the fight for veteran's mental health.
Our Friends at the United War Veterans Council
The United War Veterans Council has been a partner of SailAhead since 2017. SailAhead and the United War Veterans Council work together closely to take veterans sailing. Importantly, the UWVC has connections with key veteran groups that help SailAhead recruit in preparation for events. Especially with homeless veterans, the UWVC facilitates healing by bridging the gap between elements of the veteran community and us.

On July 30th 2022 the UWVC offered SailAhead a Certificate of appreciation for the work we do trying to stymie the veteran suicide epidemic, and for raising awareness of post traumatic stress and veteran suicide.
About the UWVC Parade
You can read all about the UWVC parade by clicking here.
