At SailAhead, we partner with local Yacht Clubs and sailing organizations to take military veterans, active duty, and family members sailing. Connecting local civilians with local veterans, we bridge the gap between two worlds.
Our goal is three-fold: spread PTSD and veteran suicide awareness, honor Our Mates, and foster community connection between the sailing and military worlds.
SailAhead teaches veterans how to sail and provides therapy on the water. In some cases, it isn't enough to sail just once. Sailing as a therapeutic experience should be done on a regular basis to help combat PTSD and depression.
We race in and around the Long Island Sound, N.Y. and Puget Sound, W.A.! If you are a veteran interested in racing or learning to sail, please contact our Race Director at racing@sailahead.org.
The Safety Team is made up of retired military personnel with medical experience acquired in the military, and basic CPR/First-Aid training. They act as the first responders on the water, providing quick transportation to the docks and administering onsite medical assistance if necessary. Our Safety Team attends sailing events around Long Island to make sure everyone is safe. If you are interested in volunteering on SailAhead's Medic RIB, please contact medic@sailahead.org.
At SailAhead, we provide one of a kind experiences on and off the water. Partnering with the Long Island Maritime Museum, veterans and family members get a chance to learn about local maritime history, and sail on the beloved Oyster Sloop, called Priscilla.
Being sailors, we know the impact humans have on our environment. We take much care in trying to preserve the ocean, which provides us with so much, and we spread the word that we need to protect our oceans.
Sailing is a green and healthy sport for your body, and for the environment!